The Math Surgeon

The Math Surgeon
The Math Surgeon StrickCo

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

My Network Connections

Steve Jobs (iPhone Innovator) 1955-2011

A Connectivist learner utilizes web sources and the media to learn, socialize and experience new avenues of learning (Davis, Edmonds, & Kelly-Bateman, 2008).  I am truly a Connectivist learner.  I learn from utilizing superb resources from my Online University, Blogs, RSS feeds, to learning from Social Web Medias.  What better way is it to learn?  The internet is full of so many technical resources to help learners with information.  YouTube not only gives videos for entertainment but it is a learning tutorial for many topics.  If I do not understand the dynamics of a topic or I need help understanding how to work new software, I rely on YouTube.  Networking is also a major factor in exploring fresh new ideas to topics.  Networking can also introduce people to new avenues of information.  People network every day to get information about businesses, job leads, technology developments, etc.  The social media links like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter are sources that I use quite often.

Facebook is more of a social media that enables family and friends to connect to one another and share current events.  Facebook can also keep people up on class reunions, non-profit organizations, current polls etc.  It is a great source to connect to someone you have not seen in a while.  I was amazed at the amount of people that linked into my Facebook page.  Facebook is not age discriminatory either.  All people from all ages utilize Facebook.

LinkedIn is more of a professional link that I use for business purposes.  I like to stay abreast on what is happening with businesses.  If I want to know more about a particular employment lead, I will go to LinkedIn.  It enables people to see individuals’ professional statuses, which can allow for more job leads or resources to get a job.  LinkedIn allows people to not only learn more about corporations but it allows connections to top executives in firms.

Twitter is a media I use to comment on topics and learn about major current events.  I cannot tell you how many times I have been on twitter and have learned about major political debates or news flashes.  If you are the type of person that keeps up on entertainment news then this is an avenue for you also.  A lot of business leaders tweet about their products, daytime shows, news, concerts, businesses, etc.

Connectivism has positively changed the way I learn.  I utilize so many sources to learn about technology and to keep up with the ever-evolving business of technology.  If people want to stay abreast on the techno world then, they are going to have to keep track on innovative ideas to learning.  My social learning network that I have provided for you in my Mind Map and in this literature supports the doctrine of Connectivism.  How do you feel about technology and social structures as learning communities?  I would like to read your comments below.

References (Producer). (2011). Steve jobs 1955-2011. [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

Davis, C., Edmunds, E., & Kelly-Bateman, V. (2008). Connectivism. Emerging perspectives on learning, teaching, and technology, Retrieved from


1 comment:

  1. I have enjoyed your blog. Just think how life would be without technology. Facebook, LinkedIn and Skype…..

    C. Burton
