The Math Surgeon

The Math Surgeon
The Math Surgeon StrickCo

Distance Learning

Students utilize online learning experiences in classes.

Distance Learning Introduction

Technology is becoming very prevalent in traditional, public, private and online schools and universities.  Not only has it transcended to universities but it has also transcended to different facets of corporations.  Many businesses have integrated online technology for training, conference meetings, and social media.  This blog will utilize the effects technology has on businesses as well as universities.  It will also analyze online learning through mechanisms of online technology.

For more information regarding Distance Learning, please click on the links to the right.


  1. Nice set up. Seems like you are really active on here. I need to get myself together. Wanted to let you know that I am following your blog.

    1. Hello Brandon, thank you...I have also joined your site and enjoyed reading your information. I cannot wait to read more on your views about distance learning.

    2. I would have to say I agree with Brandon in that your site is contagiously eye appealing. Really nice work in crafting it. Hope to exchange innovative ideas as we travel through our Distant Learning. Mike

  2. I really like your page! It's very organized and appealing. I'll be following your posts.

  3. You've done a really nice job with your page! I agree with all the previous comments. Looking forward to reviewing your posts!
