The Math Surgeon

The Math Surgeon
The Math Surgeon StrickCo

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Understanding My Techno Learning Environment

            Understanding how people learn is a complex issue.  There are so many strategies to learning.  How does an Instructional Designer make sure he/she is tapping into each scholars learning style?  I truly believe in order for adult learners to fully comprehend new material they have to have autonomy and relatedness to the topic.  The psychological needs for motivation (Ormrod, 2011) have to be the main approach that educators use to keep learners engaged.  Technology is another tool that I find interesting and most useful to the educational arena today.  Learners must utilize technology resources while knowledge is taking place.
Learners utilizing Connectivism for instruction.
            Technology has such a fundamental aspect of learning.  A Transformational Leader or Instructional Designer who utilizes technology in their learning environment often uses most if not all of the learning styles.  They are often conjoined with multipleintelligences to get the dynamics of the topic encoded into the learners’ brain as a stored long-term memory.  “People can demonstrate different levels of proficiency across the eight intelligences in each cognitive area” (Armstrong, 2000, p. 14) and this is prevalent with online learning.  For example, students may have to create a blog assignment that has a maximum word length of 600 and reflect on the assignment.  To accomplish this scholars are going to have to listen to audio, observe a visual of the topic, or read materials to understand the concept (Linguistic), demonstrate an example of the learned assignment (Spatial), monitor the length of the blog (logical-math), and reflect on the assignment as well as students feedback from discussion boards and online comments (Interpersonal).  So most of the Multiple Intelligences out of eight that includes Linguistic, Logical-Math, Spatial, Musical, Bodily-Kinesthetic, Intrapersonal, Naturalist, and Interpersonal (pp. 6-7) were utilized along with different learning styles in one assignment. 
            This is why Connectivist learners have such an advantage on learning.  They become skilled at environments where they utilize technology resources and most of the learning styles.  The world is steadily changing into the world of technology.  There are so many different types of organizations that rely on technology for everyday business from the world of Academia to Corporate America.  Learners are going to have to keep up with technology in order to stay competitive.  As an Instructional Designer, this course will insure that I have learned the new technology and gain knowledge of all of the technical resources that are available for constructing programs.  It will also allow me to Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate instructional classes to make sure employees are getting the information they need in order to succeed in their environment.

Armstrong, T. (2009). Multiple intelligences in the classroom. (3rd ed.). Alexandria: Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development Retrieved from

Thursday, October 20, 2011

My Reflection on the Best Learning Theory

As I reflect on the Learning Theory’s I have studied over the past few weeks, I can actually say that using higher order skills with technology  gets better results of outcome.  Why do I say this?  The world is steadily evolving into a competitive technology atmosphere.  In order to keep up with the demands of corporations and stay competitive learners need to strengthen their cognitive skills along with their technology skills.  I used to think Constructivist and Connectivist learners have a higher advantage of learning using technology as well as their analytical skills.  I learn from actually involving myself with the process of doing the material.  Debates are important to a lesson because it brings new fresh ideas to concepts and allows me to tap into my long and short-term memory on other learned areas of the topic.  All of these strategies can be integrated with Connectivism, which is the best learning theory for my knowledge.  It is also the best theory to stay competitive in the techno world we live in.
George Siemens- Author of the Article
Connectivism- A Learning Theory for the Digital Age
When I am learning in a Connectivist environment, I am able to utilize web sources, social learning, smart objects, blogs, mobiles, semantic aware applications, and many other technical resources together (Johnson,Levine, & Smith, 2009).  I utilize this type of learning because it directly keeps me connected to the wave of the future.  Even though constructivist learners utilize many of the higher order skills as in task involvements, social learning, and analysis of work, more emphasis has to be put on current up to date knowledge, which transcends with technology.  This is one of the reasons my views on how I learn, have focused on the Connectivism theory of learning.  As an adult learner who enjoys cyber learning, I am able to incorporate all of the learning styles (Gilbert &Swanier, 2008) during my online instruction.  Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic learning styles conjoined with modern technology, produces a wealth of knowledge that is competitive in today’s workforce.  I truly believe “Increasingly those who use technology in ways that expand their global connections are more likely to advance while those who do not will find themselves on the sideline” (Johnson,Levine, & Smith, 2009, p. 7).  I do not want to be on the sideline.  What type of learner are you?  Do you see yourself advancing with technology? 


Gilbert, J. E., & Swainer, C. A. (2008). Learning styles: how do they fluctuate?. Institute for Learning Styles Journal, 1, 40. Retrieved from

Johnson, L., Levine, A., & Smith, R. (2009). The 2009 horizon report. The New Media Consortium, 1-36. Retrieved from

Siemens, G. (2007). The changing nature of knowledge [Web]. Retrieved from

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

My Network Connections

Steve Jobs (iPhone Innovator) 1955-2011

A Connectivist learner utilizes web sources and the media to learn, socialize and experience new avenues of learning (Davis, Edmonds, & Kelly-Bateman, 2008).  I am truly a Connectivist learner.  I learn from utilizing superb resources from my Online University, Blogs, RSS feeds, to learning from Social Web Medias.  What better way is it to learn?  The internet is full of so many technical resources to help learners with information.  YouTube not only gives videos for entertainment but it is a learning tutorial for many topics.  If I do not understand the dynamics of a topic or I need help understanding how to work new software, I rely on YouTube.  Networking is also a major factor in exploring fresh new ideas to topics.  Networking can also introduce people to new avenues of information.  People network every day to get information about businesses, job leads, technology developments, etc.  The social media links like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter are sources that I use quite often.

Facebook is more of a social media that enables family and friends to connect to one another and share current events.  Facebook can also keep people up on class reunions, non-profit organizations, current polls etc.  It is a great source to connect to someone you have not seen in a while.  I was amazed at the amount of people that linked into my Facebook page.  Facebook is not age discriminatory either.  All people from all ages utilize Facebook.

LinkedIn is more of a professional link that I use for business purposes.  I like to stay abreast on what is happening with businesses.  If I want to know more about a particular employment lead, I will go to LinkedIn.  It enables people to see individuals’ professional statuses, which can allow for more job leads or resources to get a job.  LinkedIn allows people to not only learn more about corporations but it allows connections to top executives in firms.

Twitter is a media I use to comment on topics and learn about major current events.  I cannot tell you how many times I have been on twitter and have learned about major political debates or news flashes.  If you are the type of person that keeps up on entertainment news then this is an avenue for you also.  A lot of business leaders tweet about their products, daytime shows, news, concerts, businesses, etc.

Connectivism has positively changed the way I learn.  I utilize so many sources to learn about technology and to keep up with the ever-evolving business of technology.  If people want to stay abreast on the techno world then, they are going to have to keep track on innovative ideas to learning.  My social learning network that I have provided for you in my Mind Map and in this literature supports the doctrine of Connectivism.  How do you feel about technology and social structures as learning communities?  I would like to read your comments below.

References (Producer). (2011). Steve jobs 1955-2011. [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

Davis, C., Edmunds, E., & Kelly-Bateman, V. (2008). Connectivism. Emerging perspectives on learning, teaching, and technology, Retrieved from